The Best Ayurvedic Beauty Tips Are Here!

The Best Ayurvedic Beauty Tips Are Here!

Beauty is charm and therefore every soul seeks to enhance this attribute for life. However, the factors that contribute otherwise have grown in numbers and intensity and pollution, stress etc could be counted on top. So where are the solutions? The market is flooded...
4 Ayurvedic Guidelines For Preventing Back Pain

4 Ayurvedic Guidelines For Preventing Back Pain

According to Ayurvedamain reason responsible for back pain is the presence of Apna Vata which means descending wind. Movement of hips, thigs, lower back and excretion from the body like urine etc all depend on Vata. As many as 85% of world’s population is suffering...
This is How Ayurveda Can Help Cure Heart Diseases

This is How Ayurveda Can Help Cure Heart Diseases

Cardiovascular problems continue to scar the Indian population in more than one way. At present, nearly 30 million heart patients reside in India and as per the numbers released by the World Health Organization, India has the highest number of heart failure deaths...
Benefits of Ayurvedic Spa at Kerala Ayurveda

Benefits of Ayurvedic Spa at Kerala Ayurveda

The ayurvedic spa in Pune at Kerala Ayurveda includes the most effective ancient cleansing and healing techniques that improve the overall wellness of a person. The ayurvedic spa is primarily designed and developed to ensure your body feels rejuvenated after the...
Ultimate Ayurvedic Remedies for Quick Weight Loss

Ultimate Ayurvedic Remedies for Quick Weight Loss

We all love the idea of a flat tummy. But, very few go out of the way to achieve a flat belly. Fortunately, Ayurveda suggests a few natural and herbal remedies that not just help people burn extra belly fat but also offers guaranteed weight loss. Our best Ayurvedic...
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